How to Carry Out a Muscle Response Testposted on 17 August 2021 | posted in For Practitioners New to Muscle TestingThe most crucial skill a kinesiologist needs to develop is how to test a muscle response. On the face of it, it looks easy. However everyone who comes to our courses admits that it takes a lot of practice to get it right. Would you like to try this at home and see how you get on? This is what you do. Firstly positioning the limb is all important. It's essential to get the person you're testing to activate what is known as the 'prime mover'. This is the main muscle responsible for a particular movement of the limb or torso. You are going to learn how to test the response of the muscle called Pectoralis Major Clavicular. This muscle is situated in the front of our shoulder and allows us to bring our arm in towards the middle of our body and across up towards our head.
How do I know if the muscle I'm testing will unlock? Okay, so lets assume that the pectoralis major clavicular muscle's response is locked. Now here's a test to help you to know what an unlocked muscle response feels like. Use a video tape or audio tape (if you can find one any more!), which has magnetic properties, place this on the front of the shoulder over the muscle you're testing; or if you have a magnet, place the North Pole side against the front of the shoulder instead. Test the limb in the same manner as above. Because the magnetic item placed on the muscle causes a sudden change to the electrical signal giving the muscle instructions to contract, the spindle cells are temporarily confused and the muscle should temporarily weaken or unlock. This is a normal reaction. Can you feel the difference in muscle response when you do this? This is what an unlocked muscle feels like. FAQ's
Try giving the person you're testing a few drops of Bach Flower Rescue Remedy (available from many chemists) just to relax them a little bit Try giving yourself some Rescue Remedy to relax you! Testing muscle response is the very basis of kinesiology Now you have felt what an unlocked muscle feels like, try this: Ask the person to think of something stressful to them and whilst they are doing so, test the pectoralis major clavicular muscle again. What happens? Something stressful will make a locked muscle unlock. Join our mailing list here to receive occasional emails on course information.